Take one look around your local golf course and you’ll see the beauty of nature inherent in the game, which holds an attraction not found elsewhere. Get a new appreciation for the game of golf by applying the following advice.
Proper Stance
Practicing with slightly different stances will help you learn the best way to stand. Proper stance is key, but it can vary depending on your height, size, and even gender. When you can identify and maintain the proper stance, your overall game will greatly improve.
Walk and don’t rent a golf cart. This is very beneficial to your health as you will be increasing your exercise on the course. By walking, you’ll also keep your body limber and your muscles warmed up.
If you want to improve the quality of your swing, you should learn to put the full force of your body into the motion. A lot of beginners think their arms should carry the swing and end up with a weak swing by employing this misconception. In fact, the best swings incorporate the entire body as the club is moved forward.
Place your left hand ahead when you address the ball while putting. Don’t let this position slip during your stroke. If you do not incorporate this technique, you run the risk of having the ball bounce off of the club, greatly reducing your chances for an accurate putt.
Understanding how golf scores are kept is a good tip to know. The importance of this is that your score is regularly used to determine your ability as a player. Each time you hit the ball is counted as one stroke. Your total score for a hole is the number of strokes you take to put the ball in the hole. In golf, you want to get the fewest strokes possible.
Golf Club
Maintain a neutral grip with your hands on the golf club. When you grip your golf club tighter than you should, your shots will tend to hook right. But if you don’t hold the club tightly enough, the ball will tend to go toward the left. By watching the way your shots go, you can start to fix your grip.
Inspect your golf clubs before buying them. The club head is especially important; don’t buy clubs without checking the heads for wear. If the club has a worn, shiny spot near its center, it has been overused by its previous owner. If the club is overly worn, it will not produce the desired results as it comes into contact with the ball.
You should always make sure before you swing that you hold the golf club properly. Your palms will be firmly on the handle with the thumbs pointing downward. Both of your hands need to be touching each other. To strike the ball father down the fairway, choke upwards on your club.
Don’t get wound up trying to find a stance that is unnatural. First, try addressing the ball with no club. Assume a posture where you are bent a little forward at waist and knees. See if your arms are in a good position to swing the club. Clap and hold your hands together. The natural golf position is as easy as this. If it doesn’t feel comfortable, you may be overcompensating in some aspect of the position.
For a great way to unwind and enjoy a sport that challenges the body and mind, visit your local golf course. Just like Hunter S.