Click Image To Visit SiteAre you serious about your golf game? I mean obsessed with crushing your drives, sticking your irons and draining putts? Not to mention becoming top dog in your foursome?
No doubt you’ve noticed the rise in popularity of fitness programs for the top players on all the Tours. Maybe you’ve started a fitness program in hopes of adding more power and distance, but aren’t getting the results you were hoping for . . or even worse, you end up injured and can’t play at all.
There is one primary reason for this, and I’m going to tell you all about it. But first, let me introduce myself . . .
Even though the best golf swings are graceful, at their foundation they are also an example of “controlled violence”.
RAW POWER is what you need to crush your drives, get killer distance with all your clubs, and on the occasion when you need to go deep into the rough to get after your ball.
Most amateurs who undertake a power golf fitness routine end up with lackluster results and/or getting sidelined with an injury.
They did not have a professionally designed, scientifically-based, golf-specific workout program that followed proper progressions and periodization.
My 16 years of research and “in the trenches” experience has proven to me that the optimal order of exercise phases is the progression below:
If you jump right into strength and power exercises (like most of us want to do), then you will likely either end up with more distance, but lack of consistency and control of the ball, and/or you will hurt yourself.
You don’t need to be Gumby or tie yourself up in knots. But the more range of motion you have in specific parts of your body, the more easily… Read more…
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